Career Transition with Ruth

What sparked your career change?  

Feeling burnt out, after 20 years of Property Management experience, unsure of the next step and a move to a Country town in Central Qld with my husband’s work.

What work were you doing previously?  

Property Management – 20 years

What are you doing now?

Administration/Site administrator for Transport/Mining company

Why did you change jobs?

Followed my husband with his change of job and location

What process did you go through to decide to change?  

Instant process, Covid lockdowns, and appealing a small-town feel to calm the mind.

How did you go about making the shift?

At first, the unknown was fear-provoking, what if’s, can I do it all came into play, positive thoughts, regaining knowledge of what skills I actually could use.

What help did you manage to get?  

Local people directing me to the work, honing the knowledge of previous interviews, and remain positive with a “Can do attitude”

What was the hardest part of changing careers?  

Fear of the unknown, especially from real estate to Mining – huge difference and working with Men!!

What have you learned in the process?  

Transport and mining language, learning new program skills and office management control

Are you happy with the change?

Yes, as it’s a remote job, no females on-site only ME, communication can be challenging but I have learned Teams! Really well!!

What do you miss and what don’t you miss? 

Miss female conversations, don’t miss city traffic and anger issues.

What do you enjoy most about your new career?  

Fresh air, quiet and direct answers from men and management, No bull shit!! No mind games either!!  Always a challenge with something!

What do you wish you’d done differently?  

Learned more in Excel – it drives me nuts!, Learned more about the transport industry and mechanics of Prime moves (one should listen more to my husband – he’s been in the industry 34 years!

What 3 tips would you give advice to others in the same situation?

Face your fears and do it anyway!

If you don’t take the first step you will never know.

Smile, Laugh, Cry – at the end of the day the sun will still rise!

Sorry 4th Tip – If all else fails, try try again it’s not the end of the world, and if you get knocked down keep getting up – it’s tough I have had plenty of knockdowns!

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